by claire | Aug 25, 2015 | News
Many organisations in Australia build and implement their WHS management systems in alignment with AS/NZS 4801 or OHSAS 18001. ISO (The International Organisation for Standardisation) is developing a new standard, ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management...
by claire | Aug 5, 2015 | Work Health and Safety
Often when delivering health and safety training to people working in the HR field I hear ‘What’s in it for me?’ In this day and age, the link between these two professions could not be more firmly bonded. In essence, HR involves people and systems to manage people....
by claire | Jul 12, 2015 | News
On the 27th April 2015 ‘Chain of Responsibility’ legislation was introduced in to Western Australian legislation. The provisions of ‘Chain of Responsibility’ are detailed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 and the Road Traffic...
by claire | May 13, 2015 | Work Health and Safety
A policy is an overarching document that details the organisations’ objectives and the broad strategies for achieving these. The primary policy should be the organisation’s WHS policy. If the organisation is seeking compliance with AS/NZS 4801...
by claire | May 3, 2015 | News
In March changes were made to a number of qualifications in the Business Services Training Package. From a Work Health and Safety perspective the most significant change is to the unit of competency – BSBWHS402. This unit of competency, ‘Assist with...