Firstly, a big thank you to WorkSafe for organizing such a wonderful event in December 2024. It was a pleasure to reconnect with past participants, fellow trainers, and the dedicated WorkSafe community education team.
Opening Remarks by WorkSafe Commissioner
The event kicked off with the WorkSafe Commissioner sharing some startling statistics. In WA, there were 15 work-related deaths in the past year, and over 50 cases of silicosis since 2018. The Commissioner also provided an overview of WorkSafe’s 3-year strategy (2023/24 – 2025/26).
Insights from Trish Todd, Chair of WHS Commission and MAPAC
Trish Todd gave an overview of the WHS Commission and its relevance to Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs). The Commission includes representatives from CCI WA, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Unions WA, the public service, and industry experts. In 2023/24, 406 courses were delivered to HSRs, resulting in the training of 5229 individuals, with mining, healthcare, and education being the top sectors.
SafetyLine Hub Tour by Keith Trayner
Keith Trayner, Senior Projects Officer, provided a tour of the new SafetyLine Hub, focusing on the HSR Matters section. The hub includes a wealth of resources, such as election templates, a frequently asked questions noticeboard, the HSR Handbook, quizzes, and more. A notable quote from Keith’s presentation: “The best power a HSR has is the power of persuasion.”
Inspirational Talk by Rob Curtis
Rob Curtis, a dedicated employee of St John and the 2023 HSR of the Year, shared his inspiring journey. Driven by his role as a father and the desire to solve workplace issues, Rob was elected as a HSR in 2019. He successfully lobbied for $6 million in funding to improve driver training and $11 million for battery-powered stretcher lifts. Rob’s advice for achieving change: “Consult and engage, come with a solution, and don’t jump in with a PIN.” Rob’s words resonated with many: “Band together with other HSRs; there is power in numbers.” Being a HSR can indeed be a career-developing experience.
All speakers expressed their gratitude to HSRs for stepping up to their roles, making workplaces safer and better for everyone. It will be great to see more of these events in the future.