WorkSafe WA Inspection Campaign

WorkSafe WA have announced a proactive inspection campaign to focus on manual tasks in the health care sector. See: Crest Training can...

ISO 45001

Many organisations in Australia build and implement their WHS management systems in alignment with AS/NZS 4801 or OHSAS 18001. ISO (The International Organisation for Standardisation) is developing a new standard, ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management...

Chain of Responsibility

On the 27th April 2015 'Chain of Responsibility' legislation was introduced in to Western Australian legislation. The provisions of 'Chain of Responsibility' are detailed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 and the Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008. 'Chain of...

Important changes to the Certificate IV WHS

In March changes were made to a number of qualifications in the Business Services Training Package. From a Work Health and Safety perspective the most significant change is to the unit of competency - BSBWHS402. This unit of competency, 'Assist with compliance with...

Focussing on the Cleaning Industry

Crest Training is currently working with businesses in the cleaning industry to develop and improve their health and safety management systems. Commercial cleaning involves apparent risks such as working with hazardous substances and manual handling. However there are...

The Importance of Context in Risk Management

ISO 3100 provides us with principles and guidelines on risk management. It is a framework that can be applied to all organisations. The first step in this framework is 'establishing the context' This important step is often missed, resulting in an ineffective health...